Tag Archives: vMemes

Spiral Dynamics & Memenomics; Human Emergence Training in Austin, Texas

Dr. Don Beck and I led a two-day intensive training in Spiral Dynamics and Memenomics in Austin Texas. As many as 60 attendees were present from all over the country. The event coincided with the South by South West (SXSW) conferences and Festival.  Thanks to our sponsors Peace through Commerce, Voice & Exit, and What if it Really Works? who made it all possible. Below are some slides from my presentation that show the re-framing of economic issues through the prism of this emerging science we call values-systems. For those interested in becoming certified in Spiral Dynamics level 1  by Dr. Beck himself, we’ll be offering a 3-day long training to coincide with the launch of The Center for Human Emergence  Third Coat in Houston and the launch of my book. These events are all slated to take place September 20-24 with speaking engagements and book signings at different venues. The SDi training Level One will be on the weekend. Please check back in late July or early August for posted updates on the September schedule

The slides below are often the ones that are the most informative about the Memenomics framework and tend to solicit the most questions and comments. Many of the plotted graphs will be shared on the Memenomics website after the release of my Book: Memenomics; The Next Generation Economic System.  Please visit earlier posts if you’d like to deepen your knowledge about the history of Memenomics, Spiral Dynamics, values-systems, Dr. Don E. Beck and Professor Clare W. Graves.


What Investment Means to the Different Cultural Value Systems

I have been asked by many who attended my Spiral Dynamics Integral presentation at the Adizes Graduate School for a copy of some of the slides in my presentation and I promised to make as many of them as possible available to the reading public on this blog. Unless accompanied by my narrative that’s informed by the in depth research I’ve been involved in, I’m afraid that the information on most of the slides will be misinterpreted. Below are 2 slides (needed to split up the slide into 2 images) that are rich with useful information.  This Memetic table represents a comprehensive look at the investment world as seen through the eyes of the different value systems of Spiral Dynamics Integral.
