Tag Archives: Adizez Graduate School

VUCA SHMUCA, Would Someone Please Explain!

Many of us who are trying to understand the complexities of our emerging world might have run into the term VUCA, Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity.  At the organizational level,  The term describes the institutional forces permeating the atmosphere in which organizations struggle to perform. This new reality is made more difficult because the more  complex issues that drive decision-making and cultural norms. Too often these complex issues become entangled with maladaptive behaviors, which then give way to pathological corporate activities.

At the  Spiral Dynamics Summit on the Future, Dr. Darrell Gooden will highlight how the use of the value-systems framework has contributed to positive and productive change through  vMemetic replication. His presentation  will further explain how to sustain the gains in complex organizations by opening evolutionary pathways that allow healthy expressions of organizational Vmemes to emerge.

Accurate discernment of Vmemes codes in VUCA conditions prevents and resolves deep conflicts and its aftermath. Importantly, this work reveals that the leadership’s collective perceptions, and the nature of their manifested Vmemes (affirming or coercive) influence the organization’s culture, structure and systems. The work herein implies the probability of successfully infusing a complex enterprise atmosphere with affirmative stimuli depends on actions of “positive deviants” and management’s ability to articulate a compelling case to change the cognitive map of the workforce.

Darrell Gooden began his work with the Spiral Dynamics Group and Dr. Don Beck in 1998. Darrell holds a PhD in Organizational Transformation from the Adizes Graduate School. He holds a Master of Science Degree in Technology Management from Pepperdine University and a Bachelor of Science Degree in Management of Information Systems from the University of Redlands.


Slides from March Spiral Dynamics Integral (SDi) Training

Some of the slides listed in this post were a part of a presentation I made at Adizes Graduate School in Santa Barbara during the March SDi training. The presentation makes the case for how the erosion in the ORDER value system (BLUE vMEME) that regulates money combined with unprecedented levels of cash flowing from TRIBAL-FEUDAL (PURPLE-RED) value system countries into Western capital markets were the main contributing factors that forever perverted capitalism. Understanding the financial crisis from a value systems perspective helps re-frame the the entire argument of how to regulate an UNHEALTHY EXPRESSION of the ENTERPRISE value system (vMEME)and anticipate its next move before it can become a threat and cause systemic damage and eventual collapse. Feel free to copy any of the slides for your personal use. You can also email me at  sdawlabani@ecovestadvisors.com if you have  any questions about vMEMEs and their relationships to the financial crisis or if you’d like for me to give a lecture to your group about the subject matter.

Dr. Beck, the co-author of the Spiral Dynamics Theory has shared my analysis with the Chicago Group (Paul Volker’s Group), Herman Wijffels (Dutch Economist and former Executive Director at the World Bank) and the office of the Prime Minister of Iceland. This blog provides a good chronology of where Economics meet Memetics specifically as it relates to the clash of value systems over the last two years. I highly recommend you browse earlier posts
