Tag Archives: Don Beck

Is There a Right Approach to Solving Global Problems? Think “Systems” and “CAPI”

My initial attraction to the Graves-Beck framework was its  approach to sustainable solutions through its ability to  address the “systems” problem as an integral part of any solution. As someone who worked with business systems and studied macroeconomics, solving problems with dysfunctional systems and institutions  was far more important to me than the exclusive focus on personal growth, which tends to be the domain of many change agents.

Over the years I have also learned the importance  of an essential catalyst in the design of these solutions. A concept originally created by Dr. Ichak Adizes called CAPI, the Coalescence of Authority Power and Influence.  Don Beck’s genius brought these two concepts together to create one of the most effective, but underrated  tools for Large-Scale systems change called MeshWORKS. The concept was used to help South Africa transition from Apartheid and in our 5-year effort to try to bring peace to the Middle East.

When asked why these concepts weren’t being taught to world leaders, Dr. Beck often responded with “Often times these are systems within us that appear naturally in the minds of Second Tier thinkers.”

October 2015 with Lawrence Bloom in Dallas discussing the challenges we face in redefining global econometrics from the values of the Second Tier

On April 20 in Dallas Texas, participants in the Spiral Dynamics Summit on the Future will hear from  our special guest Lawrence Bloom who represents the embodiment of these natural Second Tier systems;  the delicate balance between the Adaptive Intelligence within each and everyone of us, and a deep understanding of how to change systems. Mr. Bloom will share with us his life long work and what it takes to provide effective global leadership at a time when the world seems to be very divided. Below is the announcement on the event website about Mr. Bloom’s Special Guest appearance.

I hope you can join us and learn from all of our exceptional speakers about what it takes to be an effective leader in these times of uncertainty. Become the embodiment of CAPI and systems change. Please click here to visit the event website for a full list of summit topics and for more information.


Dr. Beck and I are thrilled to announce that Lawrence Bloom will deliver the keynote speech at the start of our conference.

One of the most effective measures of Second Tier Leadership in the world today is a person’s ability to possess what we call CAPI, the Confluence of Authority, Power and Influence. All 3 elements must be present to affect global change in a significant way. Among friends of the Spiral Dynamics community, no one advocates for this systemic approach more vigorously than our special guest and Keynote Speaker Lawrence Bloom.  In his opening remarks at the Spiral Dynamics Summit on the Future, Lawrence will set the tone for us all to experience what it means to be the embodiment of Second Tier change in action.


Lawrence Bloom serves as the Secretary General of Be Earth Foundation, a United Nations Intergovernmental Organization in collaborative status with the UN’s Economic and Social Council. This foundation helps educate nation states around renewable energy and generally to enable them to achieve their Sustainable Development Goal agendas. He is also the  Chairman of the DAKIA Institute which is dedicated to empowering local leaders and the community to lead positive change for themselves and their world long after they are gone. The Institute employs one of the most effective and often overlooked “systems approach” to sustainability. This approach is explained on the institute’s website: “because we are a different kind of organization, we use a different kind of name, “Systainability” with a ‘y’ – for Systems Solutions for Sustainability.
Lawrence is also the Chairman of Be Energy, a bio-energy company committed to serving planet, people and profit.   Lawrence was appointed the first Chairman of the World Economic Forum at Davos, Global Agenda Council on Urban Management. He is the former Chairman of the UN Environmental Program, Green Economy Initiative, Green Cities, Buildings and Transport Council.



God Help the World if Integralists are in Charge

This post is in response to a Ken Wilber interview by Raquel Torrant that took place in October 2016, and the reaction of the integral community after the election of Donald Trump.

The more I read about Wilber’s perspective on so called Second Tier, the more I realize that Integral Theory is mostly philosophical/Intellectual and out of touch with political, economic and social reality. Its elitist views are rarely applied to solve problems in a First Tier world. The only exception, of course is if we believe that individual advancement and shadow work are ways to save the world from impending cataclysms. To me those pursuits are representatives of a very narrow and unhealthy expression of both the Orange and Green systems of the First Tier. Because of their thin, elitist, and personal growth focused nature they can easily become closed systems that only embolden the very shadow they’re trying to come to terms with. Well, it seems that the shadow of most of the integral movement has broken and it’s manifesting in very unflattering ways. The universe couldn’t have picked a more befitting event than the election of Donald Trump to show how un-integral the movement is.

My assessment could be somewhat subjective and I must say that I was shocked by Trump’s election for a few days. While I have since regained my stratified Spiral view of the American electorate and refrained from engaging in polarizing conversations, I have not seen the same coming from the integral community, or my blindly liberal-progressive friends. If they were really centered in Second Tier values, we wouldn’t be experiencing the visceral anger and hate coming from so many online integral groups worldwide. What has helped me regain my perspective is the reminder of what was instilled in me over the last 15 years, that it’s always about Value Systems.

My primary gripe with Wilber’s followers is what they were taught about Second Tier values, and more specifically how vastly different they perceive the Yellow system than the original Spiral Dynamics theory does. Wilber has naively overlooked the important work that the Seventh Level of development has to do in aligning the healthy expressions of all the systems in First Tier. Yes, systemic Second Tier consciousness is not going to appear magically, nor would it appear by us passively waiting for more people to become Second Tier thinkers. We have to role up our sleeves now and fix the damage that the First Tier systems have done to our planet. This is half of the mandate of the Beck-Graves Yellow system that rarely appears in integral consciousness.

The work is not just environmental or psychological. It’s cultural, political, and economic. We have to design healthy habitats for tribal Purple in rural America, for egocentric Red gangs in inner cities, for nationalistic and patriotic Blue in white suburban America, and enterprising and scientific Orange and humanitarian and egalitarian Green in big cities and urban locales.

The problem with integral practitioners is that they have relegated this entire Gravesian conception to a “values line”, which again shows the closed system views of the elite and explains their post-election suffering and dysfunction. To solve problem in the age of Trump, followers of Integral Theory have to acquire a deep understanding of an essential part of the Gravesian model called Life Conditions. To put it in language integralists understand, we call it the functional quadrant.  It implies that you start in the trenches where dynamic change is taking place. You study the challenges facing people at every level of development mentioned above. Then you begin to design solutions commensurate with that particular level of development. This is what was meant by “transcend and include” that is at the heart of both frameworks. Sadly, it seems that the integral crusade has unconsciously moved into a psychology of “transcend and ignore.” That’s where the healing begins, not with the integral community suddenly realizing their shortcomings and begin to hastily consult the Gravesian model to get a quick intellectual fix that will be relegated again to a “line” on an elitist and out of touch model for development.





WE ARE GRAVESIANS, Reflections on 2015

Happy New Year to all who are reading this post and particularly to the members of the online community of the Beck-Graves Facebook page. Whether we’re known as Spiral Dynamics, or SD Integral is irrelevant to the content of what we discuss or to the nature of the work that we do. I created the page for the purpose of promoting the work of my friend and mentor Dr. Don Edward Beck and to preserve the legacy of his friend and mentor Dr. Clare W. Graves. When I added the term integral to the name of the page, I wasn’t pandering to the followers of Integral Theory. I truly believe that Grave’s framework stands on its own as a superior developmental model worthy of advancement. So as many people do this time of year, I spent the holidays reflecting on 2015 and on the interactions that took place on that page and whether or not they facilitated the advancement of knowledge through our framework.

Graves FinalLooking back at 2015, I was amazed at the group’s ability to intelligently articulate subjects ranging from challenges to economic and political systems around the world, to how to deal with the European refugee crisis. But the year wasn’t all roses as I was the recipient of many personal attacks from the people who love us the most, Ken Wilber’s followers. I’m still flabbergasted by the number of unsolicited verbal assaults I received from so called integralists when the discussion turned to the hierarchical nature of our solutions. God help the person who makes the same mistake I made in saying something like “Blue is what’s next for the Middle East.” Apparently practitioners of integral theory, who live privileged lives in places like Newton Massachusetts, and Northern California, think that lower systems are something for them to victimize so they can feel better about being armchair healers. The shear fact that our framework calls on solutions to be stratified in accordance with Levels of Existence, and prevailing Life Conditions has been an unending source of vitriol to our integral colleagues. We must have triggered some unresolved issues worthy of this level of contempt.

Even criticizing President Obama’s blind spots subjected me to many personal attacks from known leaders in the integral community. Imagine a place where exercising my right to hold accountable the man I voted for twice, can trigger such visceral hate. To me that place is far more dangerous to democracy than anything the likes of Donald Trump can ever give us. We all know Trump is a clown who will disappear at the ballot box, but to believe that Obama cannot be challenged as if he’s a God is essentially the definition of dictatorship albeit at a much higher and more dangerous level of existence.

This past year, after being urged to extend an olive branch to our community, many in the integral camp did so by arguing that their work includes “levels”. To me, this has become the Integral movement’s standard statement for pacifying the Beck-Graves framework and wrongfully absorbing it into theirs. To me their claim meant they identify with all levels, especially the First Tier where 95% of the world’s problems come from today. However, instead of continuing to react to these statements, I decided to do some research that will exonerate my integral colleagues and set the record straight. So, during the holidays, I took it upon myself to scan through the papers that were submitted for the 2015 Integral Theory Conference, which I received as a paid attendee.

I was in search for those levels and for references to people, groups and cultures addressed through language that is characteristic of levels differentiation. In some of the documents, I even entered search words that are descriptive of different first tier behaviors, but the results were disappointingly low. Most of the 47 papers, dealt with either spirituality or a specialized segment of psychology that deals with shadow work. Integral practitioners like Mark Gafni submitted a paper about “outrageous love” and how “we are one” and the spiritual ramblings of a sexual predator avoiding having to deal with his own ugly shadow, who was welcomed back to a community that is so evolved, it shelters him from repeated allegations of statutory rape. There was nothing I could find that dealt with social psychology. To be fare, there were few mentions of terms that hint at the existence of first tier like post-modernism, but in passive, dismissive ways.

I still couldn’t figure out why our highly evolved colleagues would be so condescending towards our work. Then it came to me. At the time I created the Beck-Graves FB page, I failed to check on who owns the word Integral. Apparently, it was none other than Ken Wilber filing a trademark application in 30 BC the minute he heard Eudoxus use it. This has to be the only rational explanation that permits so many integralists to be so abusive with such certainty. So on the behalf of Sir Isaac Newton, Gottfried Leibnitz, my high school calculus teacher, and all the scientists and mathematicians who wrongfully used the word integral for all these centuries, I apologize for the copyright infringement. Expect that all who continue to use the word to be subjected to the wrath of this dangerous posse that loves us the most.

Meanwhile, I will continue to honor Dr. Beck’s wishes and keep integral as part of the name. Not as a subsumed part of the integral community, but as a result of a complicated court decision in a case brought by Dr. Beck’s past partner that limits his use of Spiral Dynamics in public only to the term Spiral Dynamics integral. As I look to 2016 and beyond, I want to start the journey with the few brave people who understand well the Levels of Existence Theory  and Don Beck’s  Large-Scale Psychology. We want to bring the work of these two geniuses to a permanent home where it can be whole on its own again. Happy 2016.
